Sunday, April 13, 2008

Chapter 5: Game Theory Explained

3) Game Theory Examples mentioned in Chapter 5: The Evolution of Reputation:

Ultimatum Game

“Based on Emotion where ultimately, the reputation for being a sucker is costly, and the emotional response could be an internal model that serves to regulate cheating.” (p.130)

Online Reference:

Public Goods Game

Public Goods Game – “Groups in which punishment was allowed resulted in more generous contributions to the common pool, but cooperation deteriorated rapidly in the absence of punishment. Even when there was no possibility of future interaction, many players punished free riders and reported that they did it because they were angry at the cheaters.”(p. 130)

Online Reference:

Prisoner’s Dilemma
Now I can regurgitate what was said in the book like I did with the game's above, but in my hunting and gathering ways, I have found an actual online version of this game. You should definitely check it out. :)

Online Reference:

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